Prison Visits Ministry

An Irish citizen who finds himself/herself in prison in a foreign country can be in the most isolated, marginalised and vulnerable of situations. They may face a range of difficulties including unfamiliar legal system, restrictions on communication, language barriers, unfamiliar food and culture, few (if any) friends in the country, not many visitors, distance from […]

Trócaire Lenten Campaign

During Lenten period the Irish Chaplaincy of Paris supported the Trócaire Lenten campaign. This year sees the 40th anniversary of Trócaire – the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. This year our Lenten contribution to Trócaire came to a total of €464-13. This has now been forwarded to Trócaire. Thanks to […]

Historic Events Article in Intercom

An article about the two historic events (President Michael D. Higgins’ Official Visit in February and the Irish Pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Paris in March) has been published in Ireland in the May 2013 edition of Intercom Magazine. The article has been written by Sean Ryan, Irish Chaplaincy Paris Communications. The magazine is published by the Irish Bishops’ Conference […]

Receive Daily Mass Readings in Irish

Members of the Irish community in France have been involved in the translation and preparation of Mass readings in Irish that can now be sent out by email on a daily basis. This is part of a ten year French initiative to have Mass readings available by email. Today, the readings are available on a […]

Chartres Pentecost Pilgrimage 2013

Each year there is a walking pilgrimage of up to 12,000 pilgrims from 30 countries between the cathedrals of Notre Dame de Paris and Notre Dame de Chartres. The pilgrimage to Chartres, originated in the 12th century, was revived in 1983. Pilgrims are organized into groups of between 20 to 60 people who will walk […]

Recital in St George’s Anglican Church

You are invited to attend a piano recital organised by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) France in St George’s Anglican Church on Monday, April 29, 2013 at 19h30. Founded in 1927 the RSCM is an ecumenical Christian charity whose educational mission is to encourage and inspire the good use of sacred music in […]

Easter Sunday Mass

Easter Sunday Mass will be held at 11h30 in Chapelle Saint-Patrick on Sunday, March 31, 2013. Note: Clocks change this weekend!!  

Retreat in Angers

Are you looking for a spiritual week in an oasis of tranquility and peace? There are some places left for a retreat that will take place in English and in French at the Spirituality Centre in Angers run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd.   The week long retreat on the theme of “Living […]

Mass on March 17

We will be celebrating the Fifth Sunday of Lent in the Chapelle Saint-Patrick at the Collège des Irlandais: 9:30am                Morning Prayer 11:30am              Mass with the choirs of Kildare and Leighlin and Chapelle Saint-Patrick 12:30am              Hospitality with tea/coffee and cake being served 18:00pm              Evening Prayer You are advised to arrive early for a seat in the […]

Irish Place Names Related to St Patrick

In Ireland there are many places that have an association with St Patrick and have a special place in the hearts of Irish people because of their personal memories of him. There are too many places to mention but below are some of the well-known sites in Ireland. In the North of Ireland in Downpatrick, […]