
Chaplaincy Visit to the Irish Embassy 2024

On the evening of the 24th of June, members of the Irish chaplaincy community were graciously invited by His Excellency Mr. Burgees, the Irish Ambassador to Paris. It was a beautiful summer evening filled with delightful drinks and exquisite food. The atmosphere was vibrant, and everyone was very happy. A big thank you to the ambassador for having us all. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill and Brigid Audebert) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2024

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Annual St Patrick's Day Mass 2024

On Sunday, March 17, 2024 in Eglise Saint Etienne du Mont we celebrated our annual St Patrick's Day Mass, we then as usual continued our celebrations at of our national saint with refreshments in the Centre Culturel Irlandais. A great day was had by all!! The Irish Chaplaincy would like to thank all that generously volunteered their time to make this day happen, your willingness to give your time and service is greatly appreciated. Thank you! (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2024

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Bonne Chanson Choir joins Irish Community for Mass on St Brigid’s Day

On Sunday last, we were delighted to welcome 22 members of the choir from Bon Secours Hospital Cork, together with Fr Dwayne Gavin, Sr Marie Ryan and Sr Helena Daly. The choir enriched our Sunday Eucharist with their beautiful singing. Be breeding of to take the Bateau Mouche, the group were treated to a lovely lunch prepared by some members of the Chapelle community. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2024

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Advent Carol Service 2023

Last Saturday, the 16th of December, the Irish chaplaincy celebrated its annual Advent Carol Service with the Irish Ambassador, his excellence Mr. Niall Burgess and his wife in attendance. The Chapelle was full to the brim with people eagerly waiting to hear our choir sing songs in four languages’. A big thank you to all who participated on the day, from the choir, hospitality team and the Centre Culturel Irlandais.Merry Christmas. Nollaig Shona Daoibh. Joyeux Noël à Tous.(Photographer: Brigid Audebert) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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Irish Chaplaincy Paris pilgrimage to the Basilica of St. Thérèse, Lisieux

On the 25th of March the Irish Chaplaincy Paris took their first pilgrimage to the Basilica of St. Thérèse, Lisieux thanks to one of our parishioners Noeleen O'Brien. Noeleen helped organise this visit with Fr. Jim.Noeleen mother passed away earlier this year, so the visit was organised to pay respect to Noeleen mother, as it was a dream of her mother’s to visit the Basilica.On the day Fr. Jim said a Mass in the Basilica’s Crypt. The Crypt is completely covered with beautiful marble and mosaics which represents the important stages in Thérèse's life. The crypt also houses the reliquary of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, parents of Saint Thérèse.Fr. Jim remembered in his mass, all our passed loved ones and all our love ones in need.After a little lunch we all then visited the Carmel chapel, set on the grounds of the Carmelites. Saint Thérèse lived on the grounds as a Carmelite from 1888 until her death in 1897.Thank you to everyone involved in making this day so lovely. We are all looking forward to our next pilgrimage adventure.(Photographer: Brigid Audebert) Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations 2023

The Irish Chaplaincy celebrated St Patrick's Day Mass was on Sunday, March 19, in Eglise Saint Étienne du Mont, and continued our celebrations of our national saint with refreshments in the Centre Culturel Irlandais on rue des Irlandais.On the day we were joined by two beautiful choirs, the Cór Choláste na nGael from Paris and all the way from Ireland, the Broadford Youth Choir.(Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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St. Brigid’s Day Celebrations 2023

The Irish Chaplaincy Paris celebrated St. Brigid’s day mass last Sunday the 5th of February. We were joined on the day by the Irish Ambassador to France, Mr. Niall Burgess and his wife Mrs. Burgess. Also present on the day was the terrific “Cór Coláiste na nGael” who delighted us with their beautiful singing. After mass everyone enjoyed our annual St. Brigid’s day picnic. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill)All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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Advent Carol Service 2022

Thank you to everyone who came to the St. Patrick’s Advent Carol Service 2022. It was a magical evening and was a perfect way to start the festive season, lots of festive fun was had, a big thank you to everyone who assisted on the day, our wonderful choir and hospitality team, the Centre Culturel Irlandais, and of course Fr. Jim. (Photographers: Brigid Audebert and Brise Rickey) All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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Annual Mass in Irish Chapelle St. Patrick 2022

Aifreann Chríost Rí , Feast of Christ the King. This is the 10th Year and every time a wonderful atmosphere. This year particularly momentous, Stiofáínín and the first public outing for Cór Choláiste na nGael, and Father Jim's first Mass in Irish ! Not just the Irish Community in Paris, but French friends and former parishioners. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill)All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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Fr. Hugh's Last Goodbye as Chaplain

Below are pictures from last Sunday the 31st, where the congregation said their last goodbye to Fr. Hugh as chaplain. We wish Fr. Hugh much joy and happiness on his new adventure as he begins a new chapter in his life. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill and Brigid Audebert)

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Pictures of the Farewell Picnic for Fr. Hugh 2022

On Sunday, the 10th of July after mass we had a little send off for Fr. Hugh with a picnic/bbq, where the congregation took a moment to thank Fr. Hugh for all his hard work during the last 5 years. (Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill)

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St. Brigid's Day 2021

Some images of Irish Community get together in Paris for St Brigid’s day 2021.(Photographer: Ciarán Mac Guill)

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Photos from Jean O'Sullivan Memorial Service

(Photographer: Mary Raffray)

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Bishop Michael Smith celebrates Confirmation for members of the Irish community in Paris

Bishop Michael Smith celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation for five members of the Irish community in Paris. The ceremony took place yesterday, Sunday 25 June, in the chapel of the Irish College in Paris.The candidates for Confirmation were prepared by Father Dwayne Gavin, a priest of the Diocese of Meath, whose ministry in Paris began in September 2013 and comes to an end this summer. Father Gavin will be succeeded on 1 September as chaplain in the Irish College by Monsignor Hugh Connolly, formerly President of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth.During the ceremony, Bishop Smith paid tribute to the faith and pastoral life of the Irish community in Paris, where terrorism and fear have been a particular reality in recent years. Speaking afterwards, Father Gavin described the work of chaplaincy in France. Father Gavin said, “It has been a great blessing to serve the Irish community in Paris for the past four years. There is a thriving faith community here, comprising young families, students, academics and long standing Irish residents of Paris and the surrounding area. We also regularly welcome Irish people visiting the city for work or holiday purposes. The work of the Irish chaplaincy includes the celebration of the Eucharist, preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage, pastoral visits to Irish people in prison and in hospitals as well as the accompaniment of those bereaved while in Paris.”Earlier in the week, Her Excellency Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason hosted a dinner at the Embassy of Ireland to France in honour of Bishop Smith and his companions, Father William Coleman, Parish Priest of Rochfortbridge, Co Westmeath, and Father Brendan Ludlow who is the Meath diocesan education secretary. (Photographers: Ciaran MacGuill and Mary Raffray)

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On Sunday 28th May, Bishop Noel Treanor visited the Irish Community for Mass at the Irish College. Bishop Treanor wished the outgoing chaplain, Fr. Dwayne Gavin, every good wish as he returns to the Diocese of Meath in September. During the same Mass Bishop Treanor welcomed the incoming chaplain, Mons Hugh Connolly, whose appointment will take effect on Sunday 3rd September 2017. After Mass, both Bishop Treanor and Mons Connolly received a "céad míle fáilte" from an enthusiastic community who made the most of the summer weather with a barbecue in the courtyard. Many thanks to Ciáran Mc Guill for photos.All Photos are Copyright © Irish Chaplaincy Paris 2023

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The Liam Swords Foundation Lecture - “Paris Fantastique”

The 2014 Liam Swords Foundation bursary was awarded to Dr. Patricia García. On Monday night the 24th of November at the CCI she gave a presentation on “Paris Fantastique: The City and the Birth of the Modern Fantastic in the 19th Century”. Below are some photos of the event. (Photographer: Mary Raffray)

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St Patrick’s Day 2014 in Sacré Coeur

We had another historic first following on from last year’s Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral as St Patrick’s Day Mass this year was celebrated at 12:30 in the Basilique de Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre on Saturday, March 15, 2014. (Photographers: Mary Raffray and Ciaran MacGuill,)

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Irish Pilgrimage Mass in Notre Dame de Paris

More photos of the Irish Pilgrimage Mass taken on March 16, 2013. (Photographers: Rafael Monterey, Herwin Aquino, June Galon and Melvin Acabado)

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Irish Pilgrimage Mass in Notre Dame de Paris

At 12 noon on Saturday, March 16, 2013 Mass was said in Notre Dame de Paris to celebrate the 850th anniversary of the cathedral and St Patrick's Day. The chief celebrant was Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and Connor and the homily given by Mgr Brendan Byrne of Kildare and Leighlin. (Photographers: Ciaran MacGuill, Mary Raffray and Christine Taylor)

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Pilgrim Walk from Collège des Irlandais to Notre Dame de Paris

On the morning of Saturday, March 16, 2013 a number of Irish pilgrims walked through the streets of the fifth arrondissement of Paris from the Collège des Irlandais to Notre Dame de Paris. Prayers were said in the Chapelle Saint-Patrick and at Etienne du Mont and Eglise Saint Ephrem (formerly the chapel of the Collège des Lombards). On arrival on the parvis at Notre Dame de Paris prayers were also said on the first two steps of the Pilgrim Way of the 850th Jubilee. (Photographers: Sean Ryan and Ciaran MacGuill)

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President Higgins Official Visit

The President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins visited the Collège des Irlandais as part of his official visit to France. Accompanied by his wife Mrs Sabina Higgins and the Irish Ambassador to France, Mr Paul Kavanagh, President Higgins visited the Chapelle Saint-Patrick where he was given a tour by the Irish Chaplain, Fr Sean Maher.(Photographer: Mary Raffray)

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Chapelle Saint Patrick

Some images of our beautiful Chapel and life within.

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Irish Community Life in Paris

Some images of Irish Community get together in Paris.

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