Sunday July 1st – Avertissement
‘Un an après sa mort, Simone Veil entre dimanche au Panthéon, l’occasion de rendre un hommage populaire dans les rues de Paris à cette figure de la vie politique française et européenne du XXe siècle. Dimanche matin, le cortège funèbre, escorté par des motards de la Garde républicaine, traversera la Seine et le Quartier latin. Puis, portés à l’épaule, les cercueils remonteront la rue Soufflot jusqu’au Panthéon.’
In light of the above event and ceremony access to the Quartier and to Parking is likely to be very severely restricted on Sunday next. Nevertheless given that it is a Sunday I will celebrate mass as usual at 11.30. Mass is likely to be shorter than normal and (depending on who gains access) perhaps without the usual services of the Choir and the Hospitality team. All who can find their way through the security cordon etc are of course, very welcome as always.
Fr Hugh.