The following official description of the Irish Chaplaincy Paris can be published on websites, magazines, official publications and other media outlets.
Irish Chaplaincy Paris
The Irish Chaplaincy, based in the Collège des Irlandais in the heart of Paris, provides pastoral care to the Irish Community in Paris and the surrounding Ile-de-France region. Mass is celebrated each Sunday at 11:30am (except August) in the Chapelle Saint-Patrick and special events are organised throughout the year. Baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, counselling, and confessions can be booked by contacting the Chaplain. In addition the Irish Chaplaincy has specific ministries to charities, families, prison visits, religious life, visiting the sick, and young people.
You can contact the Irish Chaplaincy Paris in the following ways:
Abbé Sean Maher
Aumônier des Irlandais
Collège des Irlandais
5 rue des Irlandais
75005 Paris
Tel: 01 58 52 10 89
Tel (from Ireland): 00 33 1 58 52 10 89