FIVE SIMPLE WAYS TO DEEPEN YOUR PRAYER Lent is a time to deepen our prayer lives, and thankfully there are a number of things the Church recommends. Here are just five simple strategies. Choose one, preferably one you’re not familiar with, and commit to it this Lent: Pray before the Blessed Sacrament Spend some time […]
Amis, Cairde, Friends …. Welcome.
Welcome to our Chaplaincy website. We hope you enjoy your visit.
Our current Chaplain is Fr. Jim Doyle, a priest of Ferns Diocese, Ireland, and has served in various parishes in Co. Wexford since his ordination in 2006. A native of Murrintown, Co. Wexford, having attended secondary school in St. Peter’s College, Fr. Jim went on to study civil engineering in UCG. He then worked as a site engineer with SISK in Limerick before joining CONCERN and working on school, roads and water projects in Cambodia and Burundi. Feeling the call to be a priest he was sent by his diocese to study in Ars sur Formans, near Lyon. He completed his studies in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and is now delighted to be appointed to the Irish Chaplaincy in Paris. He hopes to be of some help to you in your journey of faith.
Fr. Jim is always happy to meet any of the Irish Community in Paris and to offer any pastoral assistance whenever necessary. The work of Chaplain includes everything from signing Passport applications through baptismal and marriage preparation, hospital and prison visitation and of course celebrating the weekly Sunday Mass in the beautiful Chapelle Saint-Patrick as well as lending a hand occasionally with the pastoral needs of our local parish St. Etienne du Mont.
The Catholic Church in Ireland has had a presence in the Latin Quarter for over 400 years. Since 1770, the centre of that presence has been the Collège des Irlandais and its Chapelle Saint-Patrick on the Rue des Irlandais.
The recently renovated Collège now houses the Centre Culturel Irlandais and the Chapelle Saint-Patrick continues to be a centre of worship and pastoral outreach to the Irish in Paris.
Should you have any notices, news, stories or photos for inclusion on our chaplaincy website please forward to
Chapelle Saint-Patrick
Mass (in English) is on every Sunday at 11:30 am (except during the August holiday period).
All are welcome for a cup of tea or coffee, and cake after Mass. You can have time to catch up with other members of the community and our visitors!
Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Chaplaincy Community shares in your joy.
Please contact the Chaplain to arrange a suitable date and preparation for the ceremony.
Celebration of the Sacrament of Confession is available before Sunday Mass or by appointment.
The Chaplain will be happy to arrange to offer a Mass and to provide a signed Mass card for anybody who makes a request.
The Sunday Mass can be offered publicly for a deceased person, by prior arrangement with the Chaplain.