Bon Secours Hospital Cork “Bonne Chanson” Choir Visit to Paris.

On Sunday 4th February, Fr, Dwayne Gavin, 2 sisters of Bon Secours and 22 members of Bon Secours Cork Hospital Choir will join the Irish Community for Sunday Mass at the Centre Culturel Irlandais. This trip to Paris is part of a number of events planned to celebrate the Bicentenary of the foundation of the Congregation […]

St Patrick’s Day Mass 2024

St Patrick’s Day 2024, we will celebrate our national patron with Mass for the Irish Community on Sunday 17th March at 4pm at the Church of St. Étienne du Mont. All are very welcome to join us for Mass and for refreshments at the Collège des Irlandais afterwards.

St. Brigid’s Day Celebrations 2024

We will hold our annual celebration in honour of St. Brigid on Sunday the 4th of February 2024. Mass will be at 11.30 as usual followed by a community picnic. Please bring some food and drink enough to share and we can enjoy hospitality in true Irish style! Also present on the day will be […]

O Glorious St. Brigid, Mother of the Churches of Erin, patroness of our missionary race, wherever their lot may be cast, be thou our guide in the paths of virtue, protect us amid temptation, shield us from danger. Preserve to us the heritage of chastity and temperance; keep ever brightly burning on the altar of […]