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Prayer To The Sacred Heart

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, source of all goodness and healing, you have loved me from all eternity. Now I ask for the grace to love you in return. Please increase within me your gifts of faith, hope and love. I offer you my heart, wounded by sin, crippled by unkindness; but not beyond your power to make me whole again. Jesus I ask that you continue to touch me, calm me, and heal me. Teach me to be gentle and humble of heart, to be patient and loving.

In you I love and move and have being. In you I am healed. Keep me close to you and the life and wholeness that you bring. When I stray, give me the grace to accept your invitation to return to you. Glory to you, O most Sacred Heart; glory and praise and thanksgiving today and every day. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you. (say 3 times)

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.