President Higgins at the Sorbonne

As part of his official visit to France, the President of Ireland, Mr Michael D. Higgins will be giving a conference at the Sorbonne on February 18, 2013. All members of the Irish Community and friends of Ireland are invited to attend. Please find below details of the invitation from the Irish Embassy. In the presence of […]

Notices for January 29, 2013

Dear Friends, I hope that all is well as we reach the end of this first month of 2013. This Sunday we will celebrate Feile Bride in the Chapel at 11h30 Mass. We hope to have some crosses from the Curragh to distribute on the day and also we will have our usual community lunch […]

Understanding Christ Among Us

The Chapelle Saint-Patrick was packed with standing room only (and many more outside) for the annual Advent Carol Service held at 17:00 on Sunday, December 9, 2012. The Carol Service was truly an excellent representation of the Irish Community living here in Paris and Ile-de-France. In addition to the Irish Ambassador Mr Paul Kavanagh, on […]

Irish Chaplaincy Paris Description

The following official description of the Irish Chaplaincy Paris can be published on websites, magazines, official publications and other media outlets. Irish Chaplaincy Paris The Irish Chaplaincy, based in the Collège des Irlandais in the heart of Paris, provides pastoral care to the Irish Community in Paris and the surrounding Ile-de-France region. Mass is celebrated each […]

Learn more about St Brigid

This year on Sunday, February 3 we will celebrate St.Brigid’s feast day with Mass at 11h30 in Chapelle Saint-Patrick. Afterwards we will mark this occasion with our annual community lunch in the Salle de Conference. St Brigid like St Patrick is one of the most venerated saints in Ireland and she is held in high […]

Baptism-finding our identity !

Baptism—finding our identity between fire water and word! As we begin the year 2013, the Church invites us to rediscover something of our identity in this moment when Christ was identified as the one in whom the Father was well pleased! Identity seems to be a critical reality in our world today. It is different […]

Celebrate St Brigid on February 3

St Brigid is one of Ireland’s patron saints along with St Patrick and St Columba. On Sunday, February 3 we will celebrate St Brigid with a Mass in Chapelle Saint-Patrick at 11h30. We will welcome a Breton group of musicians to our celebration. We invite you to join us on this joyous occasion. You will also be able […]

Blessings for 2013!

2013—a year to seek his face! On 1 January, Feast of Mary, Mother of God, the first reading from the Book of Numbers recalls the form of calling down a blessing on the people in the Old Testament. The sons of Aaron were to ask God to “bless them and keep them, to show his […]